Kalawati didi

Kalawati Didi, is a skilled artisan and is known among the group of outsourced pool Didi’s for her clean hand. She began crocheting at thirteen, using homemade hooks fashioned from an old umbrella. Today, she is a valued member of Aatmiya, proudly balancing her work with family life and supporting her son's education in London. Her journey reflects resilience, resourcefulness, and a deep commitment to her art and family.

Kalawati Didi, whose name translates to "craft" in English, is a remarkable woman from Lalitpur, Nepal. Her skills and dedication make her an integral part of Aatmiya. 

Kalawati Didi and her husband form a dual-income household, with her husband specializing in the repair of computers and washing machines. Together, they work hard to support their 20-year-old son and his education. Their hard work recently paid off when their son received a scholarship to study psychology at a university in London, England.

Kalawati Didi began honing her craft at the young age of thirteen in her village. With limited resources, she displayed incredible ingenuity by dismantling an old umbrella to create her own crochet hooks. She learned the art of crochet by attending community gatherings and observing her elders. In the early days, she couldn't afford wool and would take on commissions without charge, provided her clients supplied the necessary materials.

Kalawati Didi has been with Aatmiya for several years and aspires to become a full-time sample maker. However, she currently values the flexibility her role offers, allowing her to balance her work with family responsibilities and spend quality time with her son. She appreciates that crochet is a project she can pick up and put down as needed. Kalawati Did takes immense pride in her ability to provide for her family. Her income supports her son's education, helps run their household, and allows her to save for the future. 

Under the mentorship of Mina Didi, Kalawati Didi is known for her 'clean hand' and even stitches. Her skill and dedication have made her a respected member of the cooperative and entrusted with the more complex patterns and orders. Her advice for aspiring women crocheters who wish to emulate her is that, like any other skill, crochet requires time, practice, motivation, and passion.

Whenever Kalawati visits the office to learn a new pattern, collect wool, or simply escape boredom at home, she eagerly joins the other didis to share advice or gossip. The warm community within the cooperative is something she cherishes deeply.

Kalawati hopes that her hands are never idle, valuing the recurring orders and the prospect of steady work in the future. Her story is one of resilience, resourcefulness, and a deep love for her craft, showcasing the profound impact that dedication and community support can have on an individual's life.