Sanu didi

Sanu Didi started crocheting at fifteen by making fashion items inspired by TV shows using handmade tools. She is a top earner at Aatmiya, known for her neat lines and speed. She is supported by her family, allowing her to focus on orders and earn more during peak season. Sanu didi loves creating crochet items for her young daughter and values the flexibility of her work, which allows her to balance family life and financial independence.

With over twenty years of crocheting experience, Sanu Didi began her journey at the age of fifteen. Inspired by TV commercials showcasing fashion items she couldn't afford, Sanu taught herself to crochet, starting with scarves, hats, and bandanas for herself and her sister. Using images from the TV to guide her, she improved her skills through sheer determination and resourcefulness. Lacking the means to buy supplies or tools, she ingeniously crafted crochet hooks from an umbrella and knitting needles from shaved-down broom handles.

Sanu Didi is one of the highest earners at Aatmiya, known for her neat lines and remarkable speed. She often sets quotas for herself that are nearly double those of her peers, driven by her extensive experience and a supportive husband who during big orders takes on household and religious duties to allow her to focus on her craft. This dedication often sees her working through the night.

At home, Sanu has a young daughter who adores the crochet frogs and unicorns her mother creates. While eager to pass on her craft, Sanu is currently prioritizing her daughter's education, hoping to save enough money to one day own a home and continue funding her child’s schooling.

Sanu appreciates the flexibility her work provides, allowing her to stay home with her family. This flexibility was particularly crucial when she was recovering from an injury, enabling her to rest and adjust while maintaining her financial independence. Sanu loves staying busy and takes great pride in knowing her creations are shipped worldwide, making her feel connected to distant parts of the globe even though she cannot travel herself. Sanu Didi's story is one of resilience, ingenuity, and dedication, illustrating the profound impact of her craft on her life and the lives of those around her.