Krishna Maya didi


Krishna is a forty-year-old single mother with 3 daughters aged fifteen, seventeen and twenty.

For a woman who has never been to school and does not know how to read or write, her daughters are pursuing their Bachelors in Education, high school, and class 10 respectively. She believes strongly in the value of education and says would never compromise on her daughter’s education and future.

Krishna joined Aatmiya 8 years ago. She is a self-taught knitter and is known as being one of our finest which comes from her sixteen years of knitting experience. Krishna has never received any formal education but wants to learn to speak English.

She believes in living a simple life. Instead of having future goals she believes in focusing on the present moment and day-to-day life. She’s hoping that her time at Aatmiya will help her set up a clear idea of how she can plan her daughter’s futures.